Annual ACF Events
The Africa Christian Fellowship is a registered Charity in the the United Kingdom and Ireland.
This directorate plays an important role in the three national events of the fellowship namely, Training for Effective Christian Service, Africa Day Celebration and the Annual Conference. It is also the role of this directorate to liaise with other Churches and Christian Organizations in furthering God’s kingdom. The directorate encourages brothers and sisters to be active in their local churches and indeed be a resource to local churches. The directorate works hand in hand with the ARAF in the area of making Christ known in the whole world. Kindly contact the Directorate, Pastor Samuel Olaleye on +447448335588
Africa Day
Over the years, this programme has brought together hundreds of people in an atmosphere of praise, celebration, thanksgiving and prayer.
Africa Day
Once a year, usually in the summer (June) the ACF organizes a programme that brings people of various races and cultural backgrounds together to celebrate and offer praise and prayers to God for Africa. It is also a means of raising awareness about different issues in Africa. Over the years, this programme has brought together hundreds of people in an atmosphere of praise, celebration, thanksgiving and prayer. During these meetings, many people have also come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ while others have been healed and delivered from various types of problems.
Training for Effective Christian Service
Every March, ACF organises a profound all day training centred around cruail themes to help our Christian walk.
Training for Effective Christian Service
Every March, ACF organises a profound all day training centred around crucil themes to help our Christian walk. From family, to your faith, to professional and career developments, youth development and several other crucial themes, TFECS is a one stop event each year.
Annual Retreat / Conference
In August each year, the ACF annually organizes a three-day Conference that is open to anyone who is interested.
Annual Retreat / Conference
In August each year, the ACF annually organizes a three-day Conference that is open to anyone who is interested. Delegates attend the Conference from various parts of the UK and it provides an opportunity for individuals to spend a weekend seeking and hearing from the Lord in the conducive atmosphere of a Christian Holiday Centre. A separate programme is usually organized for children and teenagers such that parents can make the most of their time with the Lord.
Training and Seminars
These programmes have helped leaders of ACF branches and local churches to receive practical guidance and advice on various Christian and secular issues
Training and Seminars
The ACF organises training sessions and seminars specifically designed to assist and equip potential Christian leaders and those already in leadership positions to become more effective. Such programmes have helped leaders of ACF branches and local churches to receive practical guidance and advice on various Christian and secular issues. They also provide an excellent opportunity for Christians to exchange ideas and experiences.
The Fellowship aims to create a forum for people to receive the good news of Jesus Christ in a loving, caring atmosphere
The ACF is actively committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Fellowship aims to create a forum for people to receive the good news of Jesus Christ in a loving, caring atmosphere and to encourage people of various backgrounds, races and ages to develop a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is achieved through activities such as outreaches, personal witnessing, public preaching etc. Some ACF branches regularly go ‘door knocking’ to win souls for Christ.
Talented singers and musicians are often invited to Gospel Concerts organised by the ACF and other fellowships and churches.
Talented singers and musicians are often invited to Gospel Concerts organised by the ACF and other fellowships and churches. A blend of African, Caribbean and contemporary music is usually presented and these have proved very popular.