The aim of this directorate is to raise young leaders by encouraging a culture of excellence, spiritually and in all areas of life. The main aspect of progression has been in talent development. Much has taken place in line with identifying and developing talent. We have introduced music lessons, i.e. music theory, keyboard and drumming lessons. The youths are encouraged to develop every one of their gifts alongside their academic development.
The younger ones are also taught the word of God, singing, leading worship songs. These activities involved the youths standing before the public to minister thereby increasing their levels of confidence. The youths also engage in playing football, movie nights amongst other life-building activities. The ACF Children and youth ‘week to week as the years go by, numerous lives are impacted and transformed into young men and women well prepared for the demands of life as youth, university students, adulthood, in the world of work and in an ever changing society’. The Director of Youth and Talent Development is Mrs Marina Abraham – +447828244119